Eclipse Micro Pen Elite - Supply Order Form
Having Trouble ordering via our website?
Online (Website Orders) will be processed and shipped same day. Orders received after 12pm (CST) will be processed and shipped the next business day. Online orders are received by our fulfillment warehouse specialists and processed immediately.
All Orders submitted via Email or Fax are considered Manual Orders and will be processed usually within 1-2 days, so please use the website to ensure your orders are expedited in a timely manner. If you are a first time user of our e-commerce website, you will be required to register your email at the top of website where is says: Customer Log In
Manual Orders may be Faxed: 972-250-0104 or E-mailed:
Due to Covid-19 and unusual volume of shipping with our Carriers (Fed-X and US Postal Service) orders requested via Ground Shipment may take between 2-4 Business Days.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and business.
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