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    ProCell Post Treatment Hydration Mask (5 Masks Box)
    Part Number: MASK01
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    ProCell PRO Aftercare Cellular Renewal Serum Step 1 & Step 2 (Full Size 6 week supply) (Retail)
    Part Number: SER20
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    ProCell MD Aftercare Cellular Renewal Serum Step 1 & Step 2 (Full Size 6 week supply) (Retail)
    Part Number: SER21
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    Procell - PRO Aftercare Cellular Renewal Serums Step 1 & Step 2 - Trial Size (5 Boxes - 5 week supply) (Retail)
    Part Number: SER07
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    Procell - MD Aftercare Cellular Renewal Serums Step 1 & Step 2 - Trial Size (5 Boxes - 5 week supply) (Retail)
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    ProCell Stem Cell Treatment Brochures - 25 Pack
    Part Number: BRO01
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    BLT 123 Analgesic Numbing Cream
    Part Number: E515
    $130.00 available on subscription

Stay Ahead in the Aesthetics Industry: The Power of Microchanneling

In the aesthetics industry, innovating in your practice is essential to staying competitive in today's rapidly evolving industry. One of the latest treatments proven to be highly effective in addressing a wide range of skin conditions is microchanneling with Procell devices. If you're looking for a way to offer your clients the newest and most effective treatments, investing in Procell microchanneling equipment may be the perfect solution. 


Microchanneling with Procell devices is one of the most versatile treatments you can add to your line of aesthetic services. It can be used to address many skincare concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and dark spots. The device creates hundreds of micro-channels in the epidermal layer of the skin, resulting in collagen stimulation and natural repair of the skin. As a result, your clients can achieve a more youthful and radiant complexion.

Minimal Downtime

Unlike traditional skin treatments, microchanneling is a non-invasive procedure with a quick recovery period. The treatment can be completed in under an hour, and guests can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure. The skin may appear slightly red or swollen for a few hours after the treatment, but this is normal, and it should subside shortly.

High-Quality Results

Procell devices use the latest Micro-Channeling technology, which ensures a more comfortable treatment and less damage to the skin. The device can create microchannels that are up to 300 microns deep, allowing for better penetration and absorption of topical serums. This results in a more intensive stimulation of collagen and elastin production, allowing your patients to experience visible improvements in the skin's quality, texture, and tone.


Investing in a Procell Microchanneling device is a cost-effective solution to provide top-of-the-line skincare services to your clients. The device's advanced technology allows it to offer better results than most traditional skin treatments, which cost significantly more. By offering this innovative technology in your practice, you can attract high-end clients, improve customer loyalty, and increase revenue.

Easy to Use and Maintain

Procell devices are simple to use and maintain, making it an ideal addition to any med spa. Most devices are portable and compact, making it easy to perform treatments on-site, without worrying about additional space or maintenance requirements. Besides, these devices are equipped with disposable micro-needling tips, which prevent cross-contamination, making them safer and more hygienic.

Maximize Revenue and Client Satisfaction Through Microchanneling Excellence

In conclusion, Procell Microchanneling technology is an innovative and versatile tool that enhances any med spa's service offerings. It provides a wide range of skincare solutions with minimal downtime, high-quality results, and superior safety measures. Its cost-effectiveness and simplicity in operation add value to your business by attracting discerning clients and boosting revenue. By integrating this cutting-edge technology into your practice, you're not just investing in a device, but in the future of your business and the satisfaction of your clients.


  • How does microchanneling work?

Microchanneling, also known as micro-needling, is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that utilizes tiny needles to create small channels in the skin. These channels stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for maintaining the structure and firmness of the skin. The treatment harnesses the body’s natural healing response, causing an increase in blood flow and cell turnover. As a result, the skin becomes more even, smoother, and youthful-looking. Microchanneling is highly customizable, with needle depths ranging from 0.25mm to 2.5mm, making it suitable for treating a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and stretch marks. Additionally, the treatment can be done on almost any part of the body, including the face, neck, chest, and arms. Microchanneling is a safe and effective alternative to more invasive procedures, resulting in little downtime and minimal discomfort. Furthermore, it is suitable for all skin types and colors, making it a versatile option for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Overall, Microchanneling is a powerful tool in the field of cosmetic medicine, providing a reliable and effective means of achieving youthful, radiant skin.

  • What are the benefits of microchanneling?

Microchanneling has emerged as a highly effective skin treatment that offers a plethora of benefits. First and foremost, microchanneling is a non-invasive procedure that involves creating tiny channels in the skin’s surface using a special instrument. This method stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which results in smoother and more youthful-looking skin. Moreover, microchanneling can improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike traditional skin treatments, microchanneling is safe for all skin types and poses minimal risk of infection or scarring. In addition, microchanneling requires no downtime and produces immediate results, making it a convenient and effective option for those who want to achieve beautiful and healthy skin.

  • Is microchanneling painful?

Is microchanneling painful? The short answer is that it can be uncomfortable, but the level of pain is highly subjective and depends on an individual’s pain tolerance. The micro needles penetrate only to a shallow depth in the skin, and the sensation has been compared to a mild prickling or scratching. To ensure the patient’s comfort and safety, a numbing cream is applied before the treatment. Overall, microchanneling can be an effective and tolerable solution for those looking to rejuvenate their skin and improve their complexion.

  • How long does a microchanneling session take?

The length of the microchanneling session may vary depending on the treatment area and the intensity of the session. Generally, a single session lasts for around 45 minutes to one hour. During this time, the aesthetician will clean the skin and then apply a numbing cream to reduce any discomfort. After that, they will use a handheld device with several tiny needles to create micro-perforations on the skin’s outer layer. These channels allow the skin to absorb serums and other skincare products more effectively. The treatment will finish with the application of a cooling mask to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

  • How soon will I see results after microchanneling?

The results following microchanneling will vary from person to person, depending on the skin type and the intensity of the treatment. Generally, immediately after the procedure, patients may experience mild redness or swelling on the treated area, which can last for a few days. However, the results will become more apparent within seven days after treatment, and you can expect continued improvement in the appearance of your skin for up to six months after your last session.

  • Are there any side effects of microchanneling?

Common side effects of microchanneling include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort, usually lasting for a few days. In rare cases, patients may experience bruising, infection, or scarring. However, these adverse effects are typically associated with poor technique, improper aftercare, or the use of unsanitary instruments. It is worth noting that microchanneling is a relatively safe and low-risk procedure when performed by a trained and licensed professional with proper equipment and techniques. Nevertheless,  discussing any potential risks and concerns with a skincare professional before undergoing the treatment is essential.

  • How many microchanneling sessions are recommended for best results?

The number of sessions recommended for optimal results can vary depending on individual skin needs and goals. However, most  skin care professionals recommend a series of at least 3-6 sessions for noticeable and lasting results. While improvements in skin texture and tone may be noticeable after just one session, the full benefits of microchanneling are typically achieved after multiple sessions. These sessions should be scheduled at intervals of 4-6 weeks to allow the skin enough time to heal and regenerate between treatments. It is important to note that maintenance treatments may be necessary to sustain the results and prolong the benefits of microchanneling.

  • Who is a suitable candidate for microchanneling?

Microchanneling is a suitable treatment for various skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. It is recommended for individuals with mild to moderate skin issues and are seeking a less invasive treatment option. This treatment is safe for all skin types and ideal for those who want to improve skin texture, elasticity, and firmness. However, it is not recommended for people with severe acne or inflammatory skin conditions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also consult with their doctor before undergoing this treatment.

  • Can microchanneling be combined with other skincare treatments?

In fact, microchanneling can increase the efficacy and penetration of other skincare products, such as serums and moisturizers.  For instance, combining microchanneling with chemical peels can provide optimal results as the two treatments work synergistically to improve skin texture and tone. However, it is crucial to consult a licensed skincare professional before combining microchanneling with other treatments, as it can potentially cause adverse skin reactions if not performed correctly.

  • Is there any downtime after a microchanneling session?

After a microchanneling session, you can expect some minor downtime, but it is generally much less than other similar procedures. Immediately following the session, your skin may appear red and slightly swollen for up to a few hours. Some patients may also experience mild discomfort, itching or flaking, which can last for several days. However, the majority of patients are able to return to their normal daily activities without any significant downtime.  Keeping the treated area clean and avoiding direct sunlight for a few days following the session is important to reduce the risk of infection and promote optimal healing. It is also recommended to use a gentle moisturizer to soothe the skin and protect it from further damage.