Training that brings out the beauty in your clients

Be Trained by the Best with Med Purchasing!

When it comes to medical aesthetics, top-of-the-line training can make the difference between a successful procedure and months of corrective measures. This is why we have partnered with skilled trainers who have years of experience in the industry and satisfied customers to back them up.

Introducing Our Training Partners

CEO of SkinHealth Studios

CEO of Dallas Medicine and Aesthetics

President and Founder of Behance Beauty

Customer Reviews

“The coaching process has been instrumental in charting the course for the future of my career, I’m more knowledgeable and confident in my abilities.”
Taylor, Licensed Esthetician, Student of the Elevated Aesthetician
I am so glad we chose to use Dallas Medicine & Aesthetics training academy!!! I was nervous to go to some of the bigger academies around due to the large class size, this was not a problem here! We were able to practice our new skills on several models and not only inject them but see and learn how each person is different and what your approach should be for each treatment. Heidi was always there! During our class she was completely involved in what we were doing, answering any questions and really devoting herself to us! The thing that I value most from Heidi is her continued care for her students! I have called her many times with all the questions a new injector has and she has always made time for me! She doesn’t just train you and send you on your way. She truly is there to help you with your individual needs for your practice after you leave!
Heather, RN Injector